
因為下載完後反悔了,不想安裝...老卡了怕負優化想將下載好的驅動刪除...C:-ProgramData-NVIDIACorporation-Downloader資料夾內還有其他資料夾 ...,It'sperfectlysafetodeletethosefiles&foldersafteryouhavecompletelyuninstalledallnvidiasoftwarefromyoursystem.,YoucantaketheWHOLENVIDIAfolderandtrashit.Whenyoudownloadthedrivers,theycameinonanEXE-thesearemostlikelystillinyourDownloadsfolder ...,NVIDIA驅動程...


因為下載完後反悔了,不想安裝...老卡了怕負優化想將下載好的驅動刪除 ... C:-ProgramData-NVIDIA Corporation-Downloader 資料夾內還有其他資料夾 ...

Safe to delete the contents of C

It's perfectly safe to delete those files & folders after you have completely uninstalled all nvidia software from your system.

Safe to Delete Nvidia folder?

You can take the WHOLE NVIDIA folder and trash it. When you download the drivers, they came in on an EXE - these are most likely still in your Downloads folder ...


NVIDIA驅動程式每次自動下載安裝後.下載的檔案都不會自動刪除.但小弟有問疑問.為什麼需要清除2個位置的暫存檔呢.分別是C:-ProgramData-NVIDIA ...

Community Support

What can be deleted from the C:-ProgramData-NVIDIA Corporation folder? · GeForce Graphics Cards · GeForce Laptops · Game-Ready Drivers.

Folder : C:ProgramDataNVIDIA can

You shouldn't delete the folder itself. What you can delete safely are certain subfolders in the Downloader folder containing older installers. 0.

Downloader directory

C:-ProgramData-NVIDIA Corporation-Downloader What can I safely delete from this folder? It's taking up 5.5GB on my SSD. Thanks!

Is it fine to delete the files inside C:Nvidia? : rtechsupport

Yes, also deleting the folder itself is no problem. It's only used by the driver setup to extract the various packages before it installs them.

4GB of NVIDIA Downloader files... can I delete? : rbuildapc

4GB of NVIDIA Downloader files... can I delete? Got 4GB worth of folders & .exe files in my C:-ProgramData-NVIDIA Corporation-Downloader folder.

Is it safe to delete C

Yes the C:-Nvidia folder, like Kyhi stated can be deleted. The Nvidia Corporation folder, IN your Programs folder, which contains the Installer ...